Established in 2010, is a DCFS Licensed home daycare that prioritizes four areas of child development. This approach has been shown to provide the tools children need for success later in life. Growing the mind... Blue Sky Daycare is committed to growing children's minds through developmentally appropriate activities that appeal to the senses. Leading research on brain development from birth to age three shows this approach is the most effective way to foster brain growth and development. Strengthening the body... Physical activity builds more than just strong muscles- it is also key in the development of self-regulation. Blue Sky Daycare strengthens children's bodies by offering positive ways for children to extend themselves physically. Developing friendships... Developing friendships is easier within the multi-age group at Blue Sky Daycare. A healthy social-emotional environment gives children the social skills they need to excel in preschool and beyond. Building Character... Children are treated with the respect they deserve at Blue Sky Daycare and in turn learn to do the same for each other, both in and out of our home daycare setting. Positive character traits are modeled every day and children are coached on how to problem solve in a positive and respectful manner.