Calbarrie Compliance Services Ltd (Calbarrie) is the UK's market leader in electrical compliance services and has been trading within the Health and Safety and Compliance sectors since 1970.
Today Calbarrie's management team has over 100 years combined experience within safety and compliance and employs more than 100 qualified engineers who are regionally based across the UK. Calbarrie does not use sub-contractors or service delivery partners for the provision of our services.
We offer flexible Electrical Safety Testing services with testing 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Our services include:
Fixed Installation Testing
Portable Appliance Testing
Thermal Imaging
Remedial Repairs
Emergency Lighting
Fire Alarm Testing
Fire Extinguisher Testing and Servicing
Specialists in Electrical, Fire & Lighting Compliance Services, including PAT & Fixed Wire Testing, Electrical Repairs & Fire Alarm Testing and Market Leader in Electrical Compliance Services.