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Apprenticeship Childcare Jobs

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17 jobs matched
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        Apprenticeship Connect
        Northwood & 1 more
        £7.69 per hour
        Added 16 days ago
        Apprenticeship Connect
        £7.69 per hour
        Added 17 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        £6.55 per hour
        Added 19 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        Leighton Buzzard
        £6.55 per hour
        Added 19 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        £6.55 per hour
        Added 19 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        £6.55 per hour
        Added 26 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        Cole Green
        £6.55 per hour
        Added 26 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        £6.55 per hour
        Added 26 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        £6.55 per hour
        Added 26 days ago
        Childbase Partnership
        £10.00 - £12.90 per hour
        Added 26 days ago

        Helping you find a career in the childcare industry

        Has anyone told you before that you're great with children? Then perhaps working in childcare might be an ideal employment path for you.

        Careers in childcare can be extremely rewarding and inspiring. Combining early education with stimulating play activities and top quality child care is critical for the development of toddlers and young children.

        Find out more
        • FAQs
        • Popular companies
        Skills & interests required for a career in Childcare

        You'll need to have a passion for helping young ones develop socially and emotionally through the use of interactive activities and play. You'll also need to learn how to ensure their safety at all times, and of course, have a knack for keeping them entertained and happy too!

        Childcare apprenticeships & other career progress routes for school leavers

        There are a variety of roles within the childcare industry, each with different progression routes. Therefore, it's worth investigating different job types to explore their progression routes.

        Typical jobs in childcare include:

        • Babysitter
        • Childminder
        • Learning support
        • Nursery assistant
        • Jobs in playgroups (such a playgroup leader)
        • Teacher Entry-level professionals will normally begin in an assistant role where they can be mentored and developed by a more senior member of staff. It's likely that you'll be challenged every single day, which in turn, will give you more experience handling unique situations.

        Early education and development techniques are constantly evolving. Therefore, training opportunities and courses are widely available to childcare professionals at all levels in the industry.

        What do Childcare professionals get paid?

        The average childcare salary in the UK is £27,000. However, what you earn will depend on the level of qualifications you hold.

        With GCSEs or similar qualifications, you'll likely earn a salary of £8,000 - £15,000. Bear in mind that for some childcare jobs, a few of your living costs are likely to be mitigated. An au pair, for example, will live with the family and so food and accommodation will be provided as a perk of the job!

        Childcare workers who have A-levels are typically paid slightly more, at £13,000 - £30,000 per annum. With a degree, you can earn a salary upwards of £40,000 per annum.

        What qualifications do I need for a career in Childcare?

        Anyone who works in childcare is required to have a DBS check.

        Having an English and Maths qualification is normally required for childcare jobs. This is because you'll be required to write rotas and reports as well as communicate with parents. Having these will also help with educating the children about numeracy and literacy. Qualifications that are accepted include GCSE, CACHE, NVQ Level 1 and 2 (childcare apprenticeships) or a BTEC diploma in children's care.

        You can progress into more senior positions if you gain Level 3 qualifications, such as A-levels. Having this level of education will also allow you to apply to study for a foundation degree in childcare which can lead to greater responsibility and enable you to earn a higher salary.

        Having trained in health & safety will also be looked upon favourably when applying to jobs.