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Graduate Jobs in Hertfordshire

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        £25 - £69 per hour
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        Helping you find a career in Hertfordshire

        Hertfordshire offers quick commutes into London and has a bunch of lovely family-friendly villages spread out around the area, making it a popular choice for those who want to work in London whilst maintaining a quieter home life. There is lots to explore, shopping and easily accessible transport routes, good economy and career prospects suitable for any graduate to settle post-university.

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        Transport links & getting around

        Hertfordshire is well served by public transport and motorways. There are local trains services and connecting national services to locations including: London, the Midlands, Wales and Yorkshire. There are frequent bus services and the area provides easy access to London's major airports.

        Cost of living here

        The average rental cost of a one-bedroom property in Hertfordshire is £501 per calendar month and a two-bedroom would be around £619 pcm. A three bedroom would cost an average of £789 pcm.


        There is a good student nightlife in the county because of the University of Hertfordshire campuses. You can expect a huge range of pubs, cocktail bars, late night clubs, comedy clubs, live music venues and ample eateries to suit all tastes.

        Notable Attractions

        There are lots of attractions to explore in Hertfordshire including museums and parks. St Alban's Cathedral has the most beautiful architecture, Knebworth House is a stunning grade 2 listed building and Paradise Wildlife Park lets visitors get close to some of the world's most treasured species.

        Education Institutions in Hertfordshire

        University of Hertfordshire

        North Hertfordshire College

        West Herts College

        Oaklands College